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    The Jetsons have made their film debut in a film about family, friends, and all that stuff. George's tightwad boss, Mr. Spacely, is determined to get his remote factor on his ore asteroid miles away to make 1,000,000 sprocketts, but all the vice-presidents sent to run it have disappeared for some reason, so Mr. Spacely must find someone else to run it: it would have to be someone mighty brave, and mighty stupid. So who does he pick? George Jetson. So George packs up his family: Jane, his sensible and loving wife; Judy- his rebellious teenage daughter who's gotten a new boyfriend: a super galactical rock star; Elroy- basketball champ who's losing faith in his father; and Rosie, his sassy maid. So while Judy meets another boy and enjoys a huge shopping mall, George sets off to work with his new friend, a robot foreman named Rudy 2. The factory is soon sabotaged on opening day, so George intends to investigate and disappears. So it's up to Elroy and his new friends to rescue George. Along for the ride are Judy and Jane. A wild futuristic romp on a screen bigger than your TV


    • 7.0720P古书新说未知
    • HD机动战士高达NT(普通话)榎木淳弥,松浦爱弓,梅原裕一郎,中井和哉,星野贵纪
    • 8.1HD境界的彼方 剧场版 过去篇种田梨沙,大桥贤一郎,茅原实里,铃木达央
    • HD温泉屋的小老板娘(国语)小林星兰,水树奈奈,松田飒水,远藤璃菜,小樱悦子,麻上洋子,花泽香菜,一龙斋贞友,寺杣昌纪,折笠富美子,小林由美子,小松未可子,田中诚人,高桥里枝,坂本恭平,伊东美弥子,野村麻衣子,清水春香,社本悠,龟谷理子,金鱼若菜,村上裕哉,北田理道,内藤有海,小松昌平,拜真之介,长谷川暖,伊吹优里安,设乐统,霍兰千秋,铃木杏树,药丸裕英,山寺宏一
    • HD汤姆利特卡洛斯·布兰科,凯雷姆.杰姆,玛丽亚·卡斯特罗,哈维尔·雷伊
    • HD逆转裁判日本动画片


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