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    "ALL YOU EVER WISHED FOR" is a fanciful tale of romance, comedy, and Italian charm. It begins in Milan with the abduction of a young American, the son of a wealthy businessman, and a ransom demand. But when the three bumbling mafia kidnappers and their hapless victim get lost in the mountains, they end up spending the night in an abandoned cottage that is under a gypsy spell. Upon awakening, each man falls instantly in love with the first soul to meet his gaze, which are, for the kidnappers: a homely spinster; a handsome woodsman; and one cute cow. The American, as luck would have it, is smitten by the sharp-tongued, raven-haired village beauty. Despite everyone's pure motives, things begin to unravel when the double-crossed mafia don and the victim's father arrive on scene to put an end to the madness. But they, too, fall victim to that gypsy love spell, and our tale comes to a fitting end with everyone getting what they wished for - or at least what they deserved.


    • 超清危险关系保拉·洛卡特利,西蒙·雷洛尔,艾拉·佩莱格里尼,亚力克西斯·马沙利克,奥斯卡·莱斯格,毛瑾轩,卡蜜尔·莱昂·福辰,朱利安·洛佩兹,特里斯坦·赞奇,艾默里克·福杰隆,艾洛伊斯·扬哈德,艾尔莎·杜切
    • 超清爱你就捧你 She's Funny That Way伊莫琴·普茨,詹妮弗·安妮斯顿,凯瑟琳·哈恩,欧文·威尔逊,露茜·彭奇,威尔·福特
    • 超清三天两夜-泰语安苏玛琳·瑟拉帕萨默莎,翁韦德·答奴翁,Beem,Gawee
    • 超清阿呆与阿瓜金·凯瑞,杰夫·丹尼尔斯,罗伦·荷莉,迈克·斯塔尔
    • 1080p天堂的祝福(普通话版)Max,Tidof,Heio,von,Stetten,Laura,Tonke,Anne-Marie,Bubke
    • 超清人狗对对碰杰伊·布拉泽奥,帕克·波西,迈克尔·希区柯克,凯瑟琳·欧哈拉,彼特·科拉米斯


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