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    已完结 共8集




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      “Extraordinary” is set in a world where everyone develops a power on their 18th birthday… everyone, that is, except for Jen. She’s turning 25 and is still waiting to get hers. She’s not even fussy about what that could be: super speed? Laser eyes? The ability to plug in a USB the right way every single time? She’ll take it. Like a caterpillar surrounded by butterflies, Jen feels unable to move forward, stuck in a dead-end job in a party shop and occasionally hooking up with Luke, a flaky young man with the irritatingly cool ability to fly. Luckily, Jen has Carrie to stop her from wallowing in her own self-pity. Inseparable since school, their relationship cycles between sister, parent, and wingman. Together they share an East London flat with Carrie’s long-term boyfriend, Kash. Carrie has the power to channel the dead but feels she’s been overshadowed by her own party trick: doesn’t anyone care about what she has to say? Kash takes his power – the ability to turn back time – very seriously, but he’s not above using it to undo minor embarrassments, or moments when he says exactly the wrong thing to long-suffering Carrie. The fourth member of the flat is a stray cat, named Jizzlord by the gang, who’s harbouring a surprising secret: turns out even cats have more power than Jen.


    • 6集全疯魔妻遇记第一季黛西·梅·库珀,达斯汀·德姆瑞·伯恩斯,赛琳·希兹利,大卫·芬恩,朱丽叶·考恩,Lenny,Rush
    • 已完结 共26集斗罗大陆2绝世唐门 第四季 2022陈思宇,小连杀,黑特,钱文青
    • 完结陈尸谜案第一季大卫·斯瑞弗,艾波·罗丝·雷瓦,拉塞尔·托维,因迪拉·瓦玛,维多利亚·汉密尔顿,斯蒂文·麦金托什,阿历克斯·阿诺
    • 7集全翻转人生佐伊·利斯特·琼斯,埃米丽·汉普希尔
    • 完结十字架与吸血姬第二季水树奈奈,岸尾大辅,斋藤千和,福圆美里,古山贵实子,钉宫理惠,井上喜久子,关智一,千叶纱子,子安武人,矢作纱友里,后藤沙绪里,阿澄佳奈,真堂圭,本多知惠子,皆口裕子,川村万梨阿,国府田麻理子,冰上恭子,松本和香子,七绪春日,小岛幸子,桧山修之,加濑康之,三宅健太,佐藤正治,堀内贤雄,鸟海浩辅,小野冢贵志,铃木千寻,兴津和幸,堀江一真,铃木恭辅,酒卷光宏,金光宣明,井上伦宏,森功至
    • 已完结, 全12话急救超人兵团动漫


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